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If you are running an e-commerce website or an informative blog, you would definitely want to understand and study the behaviour of your visitors to deliver better results.

MODULE: E-Commerce Process
TOPIC: EC203 – Google Analytics & Online Traffic

About this class:
– Google Analytics
One of the most popular digital analytics software. It is Google’s free web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your website. It provides valuable insights that can help you to shape the success strategy of your business.

– Online Traffic
Refers to web users who visit a website. Web traffic is measured in visits, sometimes called “sessions,” and is a common way to measure an online business effectiveness at attracting an audience. Web traffic is important but not the only thing

We bring you experts from the world of e-commerce to share with you helpful tips and knowledge that you can use in your e-commerce business.

1Getting Started with Google Analytics23m
2Learn What and How Google Analytics Can Boost Your Business or Website21m
3How to Read Google Analytics Data: The Basics25m
42018 SITEC EC 202: Data Analysis - Part 127m
52018 SITEC EC 202: Data Analysis - Part 222m
62020 SITEC E-Commerce Class 203: Google Analytics & Online Traffic21m
720178 SITEC EC 202: Data Analysis - Part 222m
82017 SITEC EC 202: Data Analysis - Part 128m
92017 SITEC EC 202: Data Analysis36m