+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my


Every day, millions of purchases are made online and a humongous number of products are delivered to end customers across the globe.

Going a step further, technology has made it possible for consumers to buy products from foreign retailers and manufacturers. What earlier used to be a B2B affair, now due to eCommerce, has quietly enveloped the B2C segment too.

And because of a variety of reasons, consumers are slowly but steadily getting inclined to the idea of buying products online from foreign retailers and manufacturers.

Until a few years ago, online selling was restricted to entities with deep pockets. Now, selling online is no longer the fiefdom of a select class of eCommerce behemoths and brand manufacturers.

Technology exists that enables even smaller online sellers and brick-and- mortar businesses to go global and sell across the border seamlessly.

In this EC class, we are privileged to learn from 3 experts’ experience in their quest to build a successful cross border commerce.

Key takeaways
– What are the pain points in cross-border retailing?
– The do’s and don’t of cross border e-commerce
– How do you handle shipping for cross border e-commerce?
– How do you calculate tax for cross border e-commerce?
– What are the more profitable products to sell internationally?

Introduction to Sidec
Speaker 1 – KK Koh from KK ECOMMERCE
Speaker 2 – Hussein Zawia from eRomman Marketplace
Speaker 3 – Poh Kuan from W3 Trading Sdn Bhd

1EC101 2021 - E-Commerce Marketplace36m
2EC 102 2021 : E-Commerce Website28m
3EC104 2021 Social Commerce32m
4EC104 2021: Introduction to E-Commerce28m
5EC105 2021 : Cross Border E-Commerce27m
6EC201 2021 - Payment Gateway & E-Wallet33m
7EC202 2021 - Logistic & Fulfilment23m
8EC203 2021 - Customer Relationship Management39m
9EC204 2021 Product Branding Strategy25m
10EC205 2021 Data Analysis & Online Traffic29m
11EC301 2021 Social Media Marketing22m
12EC302 2021 Google Marketing28m