+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my


Module: Online Marketing 301

Market Info: Anderson Chow, Founder of Supervideo

Market Info: Dr. Anura, Managing Director of Achievers Hub Malaysia

Market Info: Ong Kooi Hooi, CEO of QuicKash Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Using Social Media platforms as a marketing tool will, in practice, differ a little from other forms of digital marketing. Learn more about how you can leverage the latent powers of platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and WeChat to better engage and connect with your customers and customers-to-be!

13 Biggest Facebook Advertising Mistakes26m
2How to Actually Get Organic Traffic on Facebook35m
3Important of Social Media in Customer Service22m
4The Quickest and Easiest Way to Successfully Market Your Business on Facebook20m
5How To Create and Manage Facebook Ads35m
6How To Set Up & Make it Works with Instagram Ads36m
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92018 SITEC EC 301: Social Media Marketing - Part 126m
102018 SITEC EC 301: Social Media Marketing - Part 227m
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