+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my

Contrary to popular belief, just having the lowest prices won’t guarantee your product sells. That’s where excellence in Customer Service comes in. You don’t just want to sell an item and leave it – you want your customers to feel like they’ve made a great choice in choosing to purchase from you – and ideally, you’d want that to be repeated. In this class, learn the fundamentals about Customer Service and how you can use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools to help you manage your customers.

1CRM, Email & Chatbot - Siri 139m
2CRM, Email & Chatbot - Siri 229m
3CRM, Email & Chatbot - Siri 320m
4CRM, Email & Chatbot - Siri 430m
5CRM, Email & Chatbot - Siri 536m