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[kad_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjGhOZOKZls&list=PLYTR1ZTA-JPFzsUpK1PtICtRsg2Wi0Vy8&index=1″ ]
Module: Introduction to E-Commerce 101

  • Coach                   – Alan Kok, Co-Founder at EasyStore


  • Guest speakers – Tam Yong Sheng, Head of Business Development & Partnership at eBay

                                         – Reggie Weston, Director of Business Development & Product Development at 2C2P

The Electronic Retailing or also called as e-tailing, is the process of selling the goods and services through electronic media, particularly the internet. Simply, the sale of retail goods and services online is referred as E-Tailing. It follows the B2C business model where in the business interacts directly with the customers without the involvement of any intermediaries.
 Advantages of Electronic Retailing

  • Through electronic retailing, customers can save both the efforts and time.
  • The wide range of products is available online, so the comparison can be made easily before the purchase.
  • The customer can shop anytime and from anywhere, the facility is available 24-7

 So, are you interested enough to embark on the first module of the class? Click on the video and slides provided for more info.

Slides are available below:

  • by Alan Kok


  • by Tam Yong Sheng


  • by Reggie Weston

1The E-Tail Process - Siri 124m
2The E-Tail Process - Siri 222m