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Online-to-Offline Commerce is a business strategy that draws potential customers from online channels to make purchases in physical stores. Online-to-offline commerce, or O2O, identifies customers in the online space, such as through emails and internet advertising, and then uses a variety of tools and approaches to entice the customer to leave the online space. This type of strategy incorporates techniques used in online marketing with those used in brick-and-mortar marketing. O2O is related to (but not the same as) the concepts of “clicks-to-bricks” or “click and mortar.”

1O2O, What Is It and How To Utilized It?32m
22019 SITEC EC CLASS - Introduction to E-Commerce 103: Understanding O2O23m
32018 SITEC EC 103: Understanding O2O - Part 139m
42018 SITEC EC 103: Understanding O2O - Part 234m