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Module : Google Marketing 303

  • Coach                    – Shakirah Karim, Founder Minda Trafik, Google Expert Malaysia            

                                           Charles Gregory, President Digital Marketing Association, Malaysia

Google Marketing is a unified advertising and analytics platform that enables stronger collaboration for your marketing teams by building on existing integrations between DoubleClick and the Google Analytics 360 Suite. Google Marketing Platform helps you deliver more relevant and effective marketing, while ensuring that you respect your customers’ privacy and give them control over their data.
Importance of Google Marketing

  • Deliver faster, smarter marketing.
  • Gain more control over your investments.
  • Understand your audience on a deeper level.

 Ready to expand your business with the help of Mr Google?  Click on the video and slides provided for more info.

       The slides are available below :

  • By Shakirah Karim


  • By Charles Gregory

12019 SITEC EC CLASS - Online Marketing 303 : Google Marketing40m
22020 SITEC E-Commerce Class 303: Google Marketing29m