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Content marketing is different than traditional product marketing efforts like sales collateral and other product-specific info.

Speaker 1 – Sam Kon, Chief Operating Officer, Beyond Infinity Consultancy Asia
Speaker 2 – Chia Chia, CEO, Digital Biz Institution (M) Sdn Bhd

About this class
Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

The keyword here is “valuable.” It’s what changes this definition from one that could describe almost any form of advertising or marketing. You can tell if a piece of content is the sort that could be part of a content marketing campaign if people seek it out if people want to consume it, rather than avoiding it.

Of course, the goal is to provide as much value from your content marketing to as much of your target audience as possible. At this point, despite this definition and explanation, you’re probably still wondering what exactly content marketing is.

We bring you experts from the world of e-commerce to share with you helpful tips and knowledge that you can use in your e-commerce business.

12020 SITEC E-Commerce Class 304: Content Marketing33m