+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my


A successful brand is always well-defined and relevant to the market. You might wrongly assume that if you have a tagline, logo and business card, your branding is complete. The process of branding is complete only when you have carefully defined and considered these five key elements: promise, position, personality traits, story and associations.

Only if you have built the discipline of consistency into every action, behavior and communication, both externally and internally, incorporating your brand identity into every aspect of your organization, will you be able to create a successful brand strategy.

We bring you experts from the world of e-commerce to share with you helpful tips and knowledge that you can apply for your e-commerce business.

Key takeaways

  • How do I increase brand recognition?
  • What are the fundamental components I need for a successful product brand?
  • How can I get the most out of my company’s mission, vision, and values?
  • What makes our product brand admirable?
  • Why do we need to focus on product branding to grow our business?


14:00 Introduction to Sidec
14:05 Speaker 1 – Jeff Yong from Kimma Sdn Bhd (HAIRDEPOT)
15:05 Speaker 2 – Aizuddin Mohd from Nine M Ventures (9M)
15:30 Speaker 3 – Jerome Lau from Splash Productions Pte Ltd

1EC101 2021 - E-Commerce Marketplace31m
2EC 102 2021 : E-Commerce Website31m
3EC104 2021 Social Commerce38m
4EC104 2021: Introduction to E-Commerce28m
5EC105 2021 : Cross Border E-Commerce32m
6EC201 2021 - Payment Gateway & E-Wallet21m
7EC202 2021 - Logistic & Fulfilment34m
8EC203 2021 - Customer Relationship Management29m
9EC204 2021 Product Branding Strategy22m
10EC205 2021 Data Analysis & Online Traffic23m
11EC301 2021 Social Media Marketing30m
12EC302 2021 Google Marketing21m