+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my

Jelajah Usahawan Digital Selangor 2020 Virtual Series: Session 3

Jelajah Usahawan Digital Selangor 2020 Virtual Series: Session 3 This 4-in-1 course is designed for busy entrepreneurs to achieve efficient and speedy results for their businesses. At the end of the course, you will get the opportunity to have a consultation session...

Jelajah Usahawan Digital Selangor 2020 Virtual Series: Session 2

Jelajah Usahawan Digital Selangor 2020 Virtual Series: Session 2 This 4-in-1 course is designed for busy entrepreneurs to achieve efficient and speedy results for their businesses. At the end of the course, you will get the opportunity to have a consultation session...

Jelajah Usahawan Digital Selangor 2020 Virtual Series: Session 1

Jelajah Usahawan Digital Selangor 2020 Virtual Series: Session 1 This 4-in-1 course is designed for busy entrepreneurs to achieve efficient and speedy results for their businesses. At the end of the course, you will get the opportunity to have a consultation session...

Mulakan Perniagaan E-Dagang Anda Sekarang – Siri 1

Untuk sesi live SITEC kali ini, kita menjemput 2 orang panel jemputan dari Shopee untuk berkongsi tentang bagaimana hendak memulakan perniagaan atas talian dengan cara yang paling mudah dan cepat. Panel Jemputan: 1. Encik Loqman Firdauz, Consultant, Business...

Atasi Cabaran Covid-19 Dengan E-Dagang

Atasi Cabaran Covid-19 Dengan E-Dagang Perniagaan anda terjejas akibat Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan? Apakah tindakan anda sebagai usahawan dan peniaga dalam menghadapi cabaran COVID-19? Saksikan sesi live streaming SITEC bersama 3 orang panel jemputan untuk berkongsi...