12 April 2021, Shah Alam – Kerajaan Negeri Selangor hari ini telah melancarkan Geran Padanan Digitalisasi PKS Selangor bernilai RM5 juta yang bertujuan untuk membantu PKS Selangor mendigitalisasikan perniagaan mereka. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor memperuntukkan 50% geran...
7 April 2021, Shah Alam – Kempen terkini Selangor E-bazar – Kempen Selangor E-bazar CNY yang diadakan dari 1 Februari sehingga 7 Mac 2021 telah mencatatkan hasil yang memberangsangkan dengan kesan riak (ripple effect) sebanyak RM619 juta kepada ekonomi Selangor...
March 17 2021, Shah Alam – In order to accelerate digital adoption, the Selangor state government will roll out a RM5 million SME Digital Matching Grant to encourage SMEs in the state to digitalise their business operations. The grant aims to help Selangor SMEs to...
1 February 2021, Shah Alam – Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) as well as micro businesses are invited to register on both the Shopee and Lazada platforms for the Selangor E-Bazar CNY Campaign which starts today and will end on March 7 2021. SMEs and micro...
26 January 2021, Shah Alam – The Selangor state government will launch the Selangor E-Bazar Chinese New Year Campaign which will be held from February 1 until March 7 2021. The state government will channel RM2 million in the form of discount vouchers to two of the...
18 January 2021, Shah Alam – The Selangor E-Bazar 11.11 Mega Sales Campaign, held from October 26 to December 15 2020 has proven to be a tremendous success, recording a whopping RM1.04 billion in ripple effect to the economy which includes RM32.06 million in direct...