+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my

Pengurusan Produk memudahkan produk atau perkhidmatan suatu perniagaan untuk dihantar kepada pelanggan. Ia merupakan keseluruhan pengalaman yang dihadapi oleh para pengguna, dari memilih produk sehingga ketibaan produk ke pengguna itu, dan merangkumi keseluruhan proses menjual dari penyumberan produk ke penghantaran jarak terakhir.

1Secure Sales by Knowing Your Customers in Depth25m
2How to Know What a Customer Needs & Wants?40m
3E-Commerce and its Connection to the Global Marketplace20m
4Price, Place, Promotion, Product? Develop Your Marketing Strategy with the 4Ps!23m
5Different Types of E-Commerce and How it Applies to Your Business?38m
6Marketing Is Not Just About Sales, It Is More Than That30m
7Strategies to Guarantee Your Start up Success29m
8Exploring Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce36m
9The Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs34m
10There Are Always Risks Involve in Every Level of Business, Startup Included25m