+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running social media advertisements. Nowadays, businesses use social media in a myriad of different ways.

For example, a business that is concerned about what people are saying about its brand would monitor social media conversations and respond to relevant mentions (social media listening and engagement).

A business that wants to understand how it’s performing on social media would analyze its reach, engagement, and sales on social media with an analytics tool (social media analytics).

A business that wants to reach a specific set of audience at scale would run highly-targeted social media ads (social media advertising).

We bring you experts from the world of e-commerce to share with you helpful tips and knowledge that you can apply for your e-commerce business.

Key takeaways
– What kind of goals should you set for social media marketing?
– What are the latest trends in social media marketing for 2021 and beyond?
– What recommended tools should you use for my social media marketing?
– Top strategies to grow your business using social media?
– How can I measure success on social media?

Introduction to Sidec
Speaker 1 – Roselin Das from Goodfellas Worldwide
Speaker 2 – Soh Yien Yee from AVANA
Speaker 3 – Syukran Jamil from ekon.my

1EC101 2021 - E-Commerce Marketplace34m
2EC 102 2021 : E-Commerce Website35m
3EC104 2021 Social Commerce35m
4EC104 2021: Introduction to E-Commerce20m
5EC105 2021 : Cross Border E-Commerce31m
6EC201 2021 - Payment Gateway & E-Wallet37m
7EC202 2021 - Logistic & Fulfilment20m
8EC203 2021 - Customer Relationship Management25m
9EC204 2021 Product Branding Strategy22m
10EC205 2021 Data Analysis & Online Traffic28m
11EC301 2021 Social Media Marketing30m
12EC302 2021 Google Marketing32m