+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my

Comparing SEO or Google Ads, previously known as Adwords, is like comparing apples to oranges – both help to get your brand on the SERP in front of prospective customers. SEO works to get your site higher in the organic rankings so that you rank for customers typing queries applicable to your content.

Ads allow you to target particular keyword phrases and then create an ad that promotes your site and content for those using those keywords.

Both of these channels can help enhance your overall visibility in Search, but it is important to remember that trying to determine which is best is like comparing apples to oranges.

A strong and lasting digital presence requires brands to use both channels and craft a strategy that can employ the two together to maximize the online potential of the brand.In order to do this, search engines will scan, or crawl, different websites to better understand what the site is about.

We bring you experts from the world of e-commerce to share with you helpful tips and knowledge that you can apply for your e-commerce business.

Key takeaways
-How to leverage Google; SEO & Google Ads
-How to use Google Marketing to reach out to a wider audience, gain traffic, awareness and conversion.
-What are the recommended tools for Google Marketing?
-How do I make money with Google Marketing?

Introduction to Sidec
Speaker 1 – Charles Gregory from Digital Marketing Consultancy Sdn Bhd
Speaker 2 – Dr. Vijay Rajan T from Max Leads Tech
Speaker 3 – Vincent Tong from Printcious

1EC101 2021 - E-Commerce Marketplace30m
2EC 102 2021 : E-Commerce Website34m
3EC104 2021 Social Commerce20m
4EC104 2021: Introduction to E-Commerce23m
5EC105 2021 : Cross Border E-Commerce26m
6EC201 2021 - Payment Gateway & E-Wallet31m
7EC202 2021 - Logistic & Fulfilment21m
8EC203 2021 - Customer Relationship Management27m
9EC204 2021 Product Branding Strategy33m
10EC205 2021 Data Analysis & Online Traffic21m
11EC301 2021 Social Media Marketing30m
12EC302 2021 Google Marketing20m