SAP 2024 Registration Form

Company Information
E.g. 60182202218
(Skip this question if not applicable)
Funding Information
Team Information
[Name as per IC] [Position] [Background and/or Expertise] E.g.: Ahmad Ali, Chief Executive Officer, MSc. Physics and 8 years in Aerospace Engineering
[Name as per IC] [Position] [Background and/or Expertise]
[Name as per IC] [Position] [Background and/or Expertise]

Fields with (*) are compulsory.

Great move! You’re one step closer to joining the most anticipated convention in Southeast Asia. Kindly select the event which you would like to attend.

Selangor SME Digitalisation Conference

Selangor Fashion Accelerator Demo Day

General Visitor Pass - Livestream & Exhibition

If you wish to attend more than one event listed above, kindly register and get individual passes for each. For any enquiries, kindly contact our persons-in-via email at or

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